
SimliFeed – makes feed mixtures

Simplifeed is feed formulation software that uses a mathematical algorithm to find the least-cost feeds that satisfy the nutritional requirements. It can also keep track of production of feed, mill clients and make statistical reports for all important parameters of production.

Software was developed using Action Script 3 in Adobe Flash Builder.

PSCOR – Surgery pre-admission

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PSCOR is an online surgery pre-admission software that allows surgery centers to collect patient details and medical history online. We started this project for our client back in August 2010 and went public with first live version in January 2011. Since then, bit by bit, using input from client surgery centers we brought application to perfection. In this project, […]

WinSocial – fast posting platform


WinSocial is platform for posting massive amount of statuses on social platforms. It works with multiple social platforms, multiple profiles, multiple languages and multiple users simultaneously. Since it was made for brokers and bankers that pretty much post same boring things all the time (prices of gold, money and other assets) it is based on template system. Each template […]

Enza – Try electric meal


ENZA software namenjen je vođenju kompletne elektronske evidencije o poslovima vezanim za učeničke domove.

Software je potpuno u skladu sa aktuelnom zakonskom regulativom Republike Srbije i pravilnicima o sadržaju i načinu vođenja  videncije u učeničkim domovima :

Pravilnik o sadržaju i načinu vođenja evidencije i izdavanju učeničke i studentske kartice u domu učenika i studentskom centru (“Sl. glasnik RS”, br. 29/2011)
Pravilnik o standardima kvaliteta […]


SimpliNet is a desktop application developed by Voodoo Code for The People’s World Social-Business-Humanitarian Network. It is unified, multi-feature application and business system which simplifies your Internet.

More about Simplinet features you can find here.