MySQL – make free site!

, , , is online service that offer fast creation of small websites. Voodoo Code is founder of this service.

We developed this service to give fast and cheap (even free!) solution for online presence to small business in Serbia and region. Currently this project is in Beta phase and offers only creation of free websites. In next phase […]

THe Hand Center

We created The Hand Center website for our client from USA. We build it on WordPress with few custom made plugins.

Knightsbridge Surgery Center

Knightsbridge Surgery Center is one of many surgery center websites we build for our client From Ohio,  USA. We used SiteCake CMS for this one.


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Webinar is online educational software based on Flash streaming technology, for organizing and holding live or pre-reordered online seminars. Lecturers can create seminars, manage attenders, create pools which attenders can complete during or after seminar is being held and upload slides and different seminar material. You can check what is it all about on

Ohio Business Roundtable

This website is made using SiteCake CMS in combination with custom crafted administration for managing private website members. This was a nice project 🙂 . You can check it out on

NS Reporter

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NS Reporter is a newspaper agency from Novi Sad, Serbia. We did this portal for them few years ago. It is WordPress based system with different custom plugins that we build from scratch.

PSCOR – Surgery pre-admission

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PSCOR is an online surgery pre-admission software that allows surgery centers to collect patient details and medical history online. We started this project for our client back in August 2010 and went public with first live version in January 2011. Since then, bit by bit, using input from client surgery centers we brought application to perfection. In this project, […]

WinSocial – fast posting platform


WinSocial is platform for posting massive amount of statuses on social platforms. It works with multiple social platforms, multiple profiles, multiple languages and multiple users simultaneously. Since it was made for brokers and bankers that pretty much post same boring things all the time (prices of gold, money and other assets) it is based on template system. Each template […]

Enza – Try electric meal


ENZA software namenjen je vođenju kompletne elektronske evidencije o poslovima vezanim za učeničke domove.

Software je potpuno u skladu sa aktuelnom zakonskom regulativom Republike Srbije i pravilnicima o sadržaju i načinu vođenja  videncije u učeničkim domovima :

Pravilnik o sadržaju i načinu vođenja evidencije i izdavanju učeničke i studentske kartice u domu učenika i studentskom centru (“Sl. glasnik RS”, br. 29/2011)
Pravilnik o standardima kvaliteta […]

Wellness Hotel Park

This is a small cute website we built for Hotel Park, Novi Sad. We used SiteCake CMS. You can see the website at